
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"Proud to be an American"

Convince yourself of an absent autonomy

After developing submission to a censored society

Adhering to norms is simply surviving for truth is ungiven in this world we live in just follow tradition. 

Through our ego is success and success is the dream,
Morality is truant when it's time to achieve.

Careless is essential if compassion hinders ourself, though in real it is not real it's everything to fight for.

With closed eyes and ears our mind pretends to see and hear the things we are fed anyway.

Too look beyond the lines we've drawn is too taboo to ponder. 
And yet we wonder.

But repression kicks at the first sign of thought and so this conditioning is born. We make ourselves but it was predisposed and not by some celestial power with in which our universe is the very thought of, but by misguidance in the name of such used by those all around us.

The easy way out is through what we do with our time when everything is good, what's to consider? 

This Earth is healthy

School taught us what we know

The animals have no senses 

They're meant for our uses

You're meant for my service

My pleasure

You're meant for my anger 

The bad things weren't real

Just examples

We won every time 

This food is natural

This package says 'real'

These meds are helpful

We need this industry

This book is good

This church is true 

This life is ideal

This life is mine 

I am free

I am an American

And we meant it, and we liked it. and so they have us. 

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